Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PCA 111 Class 6: Writing as Action

Today in class we will spend some time assessing our progress this semester. Take a look at all the assignments thus far this semester on our syllabus and on our blog.

In your notebook:

1) Make a list of assignments you have not yet completed (if applicable).

2) Make a list of the assignments that you have enjoyed doing the most (if applicable). :-)

3) Make a list of the assignments that you have not enjoyed doing.

4) Brainstorm for 15 to 20 minutes: What did you like about particular assignments? What did you not like about others? What has prevented you from completing particular assignments? If you had more time, what would you work on? How is your progress this semester related to your strengths and weaknesses?

In Word:

5) Draft for 20 to 30 minutes a reflection paper on your progress this semester. Aim for articulating the continuities and discontinuities between the evidence you drafted in your brainstorming. Be self reflexive and analytical.

If you have time, check out some of your colleagues' fairy tales:

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